Do you want to be a sponsor?
There are several corporate opportunities for companies to be sponsors of the Tournament.

Alejandra Taronjí
A) Premier Partner – Benefits
- Designation of Premier Partner of the Challenge Tour Grand Final
- 24 (twenty four) complementary invites to lunch in the Sponsors Hospitality Facility at the venue – a table of 6 each tournament day*
- 30 minute clinic with golf professional
- Category exclusivity
- Use of tournament logo
- Logo on official interview photocall
- 5 (five) teams in tournament Pro-Am (15 players)
- 4 (four) invites to the official welcome dinner
- Logo on prize presentation photocall
- Logo on 5 (five) on-course signage boards
- Logo on 2 (two) off-course signage boards
- Logo on sponsor acknowledgement board
- Logo and link on challengetour.com
- Press release via Challenge Tour channels
- Daily social media post via Challenge Tour platforms
- Complementary exhibition unit to promote company
- services at the event
* Including complementary beers and wines. Opportunity to host additional guests at the Partner’s cost
B) Official Partner
- Designation of Official Partner of the Challenge Tour Grand Final
- 16 complementary invites to lunch in the sponsors hospitality facility at the venue*
- Category exclusivity
- Use of tournament logo
- Logo on official interview photocall
- 3 teams in tournament Pro-Am (9 players)
- 2 invites to the official welcome dinner
- Logo on the prize presentation photocall
- 4 on-course signage boards
- 2 off-course signage boards
- Logo on sponsor acknowledgement board
- Logo and link on challengetour.com
- Press release via Challenge Tour channels
- 1 Social Media post via Challenge Tour platforms
- Complementary exhibition unit to promote company services at the event
* Including complementary beers and wines. Opportunity to host additional guests at the Partner’s cost
C) Official Sponsor
- 4 complementary invites to lunch in the sponsors hospitality facility at the venue*
- Category exclusivity
- Use of tournament logo
- Logo on official interview photocall
- 1 team in tournament Pro-Am (3 players)
- 2 invites to the official welcome dinner
- Logo on the prize presentation photocall
- 2 on-course signage boards
- 1 off-course signage board
- Logo on sponsor acknowledgement board
- Logo and link on challengetour.com
- Opportunity to promote company services at the event**
* Including complementary beers and wines. Opportunity to host additional guests at the Sponsor’s cost
** Sponsor to source tentage through the Challenge Tour’s official tentage supplier, at the Sponsor’s cost
D) Official Supplier
- 1 team in tournament Pro-Am (3 players)
- 2 invites to the official welcome dinner
- Logo on the prize presentation photocall
- 1 on-course signage board
- Logo on sponsor acknowledgement board
- Logo and link on challengetour.com
- Opportunity to promote company services at the event*
- Opportunity to host guests in the sponsors hospitality facility at the venue**
* Supplier to source tentage through the Challenge Tour’s official tentage supplier, at the Supplier’s cost
** At Supplier’s cost
E) Official Patron
1 on-course signage board
Logo on sponsor acknowledgement board
Logo and link on challengetour.com
Opportunity to promote company services at the event*
Opportunity to host guests in the sponsors hospitality facility at the venue**
* Patron to source tentage through the Challenge Tour’s official tentage supplier, at the Patron’s cost
** At Patron’s cost