In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR EU 679/2016 and Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, (LOPDPGDD) the following data protection information is provided:
CIF: A07044050
Phone no.: 971130148
Email: administration@t-golf.club
On behalf of the company we treat the information that clients procure for the Advertising activities. Management of information sending and commercial prospection. The procured personal data will be kept while the professional relationship between both parties is still active and the interested party does not want them to be suppressed within a time lapse of 5 years after the last procurement and/or professional service done by you. There is no expectation of transferring data to third party countries. Any person has the right to have confirmed whether in T GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB PONIENTE, S.A.U. we are dealing with relevant personal data for themselves or not. Involved people have the right to Access their own personal data, and to ask for its amendment of inaccurate data, as well as to ask for its removal when irrelevant. Hereby you expressly consent to the processing of these data with the purpose of sending you (by any means of communication) information about our products, services, promotions or special offers, allowing us to set up user profiles which enable us to compile personalised offers for you, all in compliance with the provisions set forth in articles 20 and 21 of the Law 34/2002 from July 11 on services of the information society and e-commerce (modified by the Royal Decree- Law 13/2012 of March 30).