Dear T Club Friends. Dear T Foundation Supporter.

„From my heart to your heart“ – with these words I usually end my yoga classes. To emphasize the deep bond with my yoga students. These words come to my mind, when I think about our first T Foundation Tournament. A day on which our common love for animals has brought us together. A day on which together we enjoyed playing golf, being with friends, eating and drinking, dancing and laughing, having a wonderful time. All that to finally achieve something marvelous, so far beyond our keenest expectations. The donation amount that has been raised is utterly amazing and takes our dream of improving Rancho Fino, the animal shelter run by our dear friend Stacey van Tichelt, to the next level. What started with the idea of supporting Stacey with the earnings of my yoga classes three years ago, just about enough to help with the infinite vet costs, is now becoming something so much bigger. Now with your generous support we can change Rancho Fino into the paradise the animals and their angel Stacey deserve. I have no words to express my deep gratefulness. So let me end this little personal thank-you letter with the words I started with:

From my heart to your heart – to all who have helped to make my dream come true

Yours gratefully – Julia Tamsen